
One and the Nothing

In life there is only One reality, everything else is Nothing. There isn't anything else that is more apposit to you as the ultimite than that which pertains to the One. This One is everything that is you, not superficially and not aesthetically, these are extensions of the Nothing. What is in your mind persists as the One, everything you percieve that is most uniquely yours. There are those that descent from this path and seek the Nothing, those preachers of Death and rejectors of the earthly self. They seek Nothing and shall gain it in abundance.

Here it could be noted that there may be fault, because there are many people with many views and thus conflicting the One and only. This is not true though for each is the One of themselves. I am One and you all are the Nothing, contrariwise you are the One and I am nothing, in your mind. It is also true that there is not multipule 'ones' because, by definition it is a singular entity nor can it be said that all are part of the same One for each is unique and equally the only. One is of the self only. The Nothing encompasses all that is else, extraself, supraself.

Look around you, what you see, it is the Nothing; it is beyond yourself, and is an illusion. What is more, look at your hands; they are the Nothing, still removed from the One and is not assured.

From the moment I came into existance, I was the realized One. The Nothing was equally realized and came into existance. As I grow, so does the Nothing, the world waxes and wanes with my Will. Whatever it is that I concern myself with becomes part of the world until it is no longer of concern.

Do not fall pray to that disease of characture that is taught amongst the weak. Realize that you are God, you are Devil. All the splendour of eterna is yours; whose is greater. Serve to strenghten my Nothing and I will grow.

I myself am both Heaven and Hell,
-Black Sun


  1. Black Sun,

    Another significant work - thank you. These thoughts that you write, when collected over the time of your blog, and edited, may produce a publishable work, if you wished.

    One still listens to the Suite for a Childs Piano option for the surreal effect (most of the others - when combined w/the text, is too potent).

    Keep destroying fragile preconceptions,
    -Lord Malignance

  2. Black Sun,

    I was impressed with what was written. You have a very survivalist and negative view on the world, I like that. I appreciate how expendable you make everything other than the Self be, however I must disagree.
    Nothing and No Thing is more expendable than everything and every thing. All is good. All is diminishable. All is flowing. Nothing is everything, and everything is nothing.
    Keep up the good work, comrade.


  3. Thank you for recognizing that I'm Nothing. I had been wondering when someone would comment on it, but it seems I'm so good at being it that no one has noticed. But now that you have, that means I should try harder to be it, so you can not take note of it. But I already was it the most I could be, am, were, will be or ever can be. So no point. But Nothing speaks.

  4. Keep your chin up, son.
