
A concerned citizen

I've recently been indulging in a rather lengthy debate with the little mouse of hero's culture. I feel it is a rather good one that many should take interest in reading.

Mister Jingles

for now,
Black Sun


  1. Black Sun,
    My respect for you sir, and grown tenfold. To engage such a troll in a nest of trolls, as intelligently and elloqently as you have is an inspiration to us all. Thank you on behalf of Evil. Magnificent work, truly. These trolls are delusional and insignificant. So far, one has found them to be wretches, and when wretches congregate, they WILL become wretched by association.
    With this brave engagement, you have more than earned inclusion on my list of Villains of Note.
    Bravo Sir,
    -Lord Malignance

  2. Black Sun,
    I'm glad that you posted this link. I was greatly amused by that everything that rat typed down. I especially enjoyed the part where all intellect was thrown out the window, and he called you a Nazi. You have my praise, keep up the good work.

  3. I'm playing with the little mouse currently. I feel kinda bad going head to head with someone who rides the short bus.
