
A concerned citizen

I've recently been indulging in a rather lengthy debate with the little mouse of hero's culture. I feel it is a rather good one that many should take interest in reading.

Mister Jingles

for now,
Black Sun


Feel it.

Let my will be done,
Let the Hate be felt,
Let the skies grow dark,
Let a new light shine through.



"The person standing next to you is not your consanguinity.
S/He can no more be trusted than the person to whom you
sacrificed your virginity. Furthermore, s/he is not alone.
The crowd, of which s/he is a part, also conspires against
you. Before the world is upon you, a word of advice:
Save yourself; kill them all."

Take heed and remember,
Black Sun


On good and evil

I come back to you for another discussion on the state of things as I see them. I wish to further disclose my standings, my affiliations, and my view. I have been working closesly with one Exit Nero and have come to many conclusions, of which will become evident in times to come, for now I'll simply leave that be and get on to what I wish to discuss at this day in our time, which is the relevance of Good and Evil.

As is known by some, I have developed an alliance of sorts with a group known as R.O.A.C.H.; a villainous community who's mission statement is the ruthless distruction of the RLSH community. They themselves are proclaimed Villains who seek to thwart Citizen Heroes in thier efforts by whatever be their chosen means. I have found refuge in this society because of this common interest. Our means and ideals of course very and in this I'd like to clarify, at least to some small extent how I view my standing under this title of 'Villain'.

Where as some other members of the community might so readily accept this signature, I take it hesitantly for I don't see my goals as bad, nor do I accept that anything can truely be bad; that is to say anything outside my own relm. If we look upon the terms of Good and Evil with a careful eye we can understand it's inherant bias. How relative we make these terms. Good has been most associated with Holy. With the church's control through out the Middle Ages, docterine has become law. Good is accepted as: standing up for the weak, helping those who can not help themselves and generally accepting the constructs of the society, the one that is currently in place. Evil is those that oppose, those that do things for themselves, a person who hurts others. But what if it is necessary to hurt another? What if someone for whom you care has been wronged, is it not just to rectify this misgiving? What if it is a collective that has wronged the one you hold dear, continually hurting that one and something had to be done? Here we begin to see where Good and Evil become relative terms and where personal discression must combat social morality, sometimes even tear at it's construct.

I shall now go on to give a mission statement of my own, a glimps really of what some of my objectives hold. I intend to crush all that is now held dear. I shall take socail norms and rip them down for they are the product of a civilization far removed from anything natural. The human condition is flawed and this must be rectified for the greater good of Humanity. Citizen Heroes are a symbol for this condition, part of the disease itself. They proceed under the title of savior but only serve to destroy the will of man. They fight for the weak, but who's to say those that are weak should be saved? Humanity must no longer repress it's Natural self, its Beastial self. We once were animals, now we are nothing. Now it should be understood that I serve a Good far greater than any one man, or even Man as he is now; I seek to save the ideal Man. In this sense, I am the Hero and the RLSH are those that do wronge.

Let us face it though, it is obvious that for my idealogy and asthetics I will not be accepted as a Hero, instead branded as a Villian. This I do not mind in the slightest. This I can let pass with ease for it means nothing to me. I more often praise the opposition and champion the Villainous for their rhetoric. They can remain in their whimsical fancy, posing as Heroes but let it be known, if they challenge me, let me be the mightiest of swords and they the weakest of dogs.

In Time,
Black Sun


Species Ad Nauseum

The point at which I can continue to stand by has come to an end. Here I shall begin to further expend my philosophy on the status of our condition. Too long has this 'Love' culture dominated us, and with no real advancement to be seen. No great stride of the human condition has been made under the moniker of Peace & Love, no real advancement to be spoken of. Ney, the human speciece has become lost in the sickness of Love.

Love thy neighbor? Love thy enemy? If struck one must turn the other cheek? No! If you are struck on one cheek, smash them on the other! lest you be trampled underfoot and consumed by their love, this weakness.

Now let us discuss more on the status of Love, for I don't mean to say that love should not exist. In all reality there should be Love, but only alongside Hate, and in no sense should it be 'Universal Love'. Any Universal philosophy is meaningless under scrutiny, for an emotion given equally may aswell never be given at all for there is no balancing factor. A human has only so much that they can give, spread it too far and like butter over too much bread it will thin out and dissolve.

In natural standings, Hate would be spread among enemies and Love lavished on the deserving. In our current state we have been oppressed by this meaningless notion of Love above all for centeries and now it is time to be honest with ourselves and Hate. For it isn't as if Hate has disappeared from the world simply because the Loveniks have deemed it so, it has only been repressed and held closest to our hearts. Wake up world, be true to your nature and let Hate flow. Those that you truely love will be ever greatful because they shall feel Love's true capacity.

For now,
Black Sun